1. I’ve waited over an hour and although it said ‘message sent successfully’ I didn’t receive any of the downloads.

  2. We tried to get the download of the 100 allowed foods. An incorrect email address was entered and the system would not allow us to correct it. The email address shown here is correct.

    Please send the list of 100 allowed foods.

  3. Hi, Im trying to download the attack phase and 100 safe foods and it wont let me.Can you please email them to me? Thanks!

  4. none of the links seems to work. get following message

    Failed to send your message. Please try later or contact the administrator by another method.

    1. If you refer to cured pork ham, the reason is that it is usually packed with salt. Otherwise, you can use it. But remeber that pork ham (be it cured or raw) is usually pretty fatty, so there are better (leaner) choices for the attack phase. That said, I used extra lean pork myself while on dukan diet. But I was 100% sure how lean it was though.

    1. How come? It works for me. You must provide a valid e-mail address, you know? The PDF will be sent to this e-mail address.

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